Pavilion Garden
Pavilion Garden is a site-specific work commissioned by Reston Community Center. The five-hours long installation piece is designed specifically for the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival 2011. Pavilion Garden took place at the Reston Town Center where twenty performers criss-crossed colorful ribbons within the three dimensional structure of the pavilion. The performers move in slow motion and this dramatic shift of time defines the event among its surroundings and offeres a calm energy island within the sea of activity. Climbing up ladders, picking up flowers from each others costumes, pulling up ribbons high up in the sky - the vastly different time signature illuminates the pedestrian, task oriented activities of the dancers and makes each detail memorable. The ribbons remind of May Pole - a major part of festivals for several centuries - and at the same time help to create a large-scale piece of art highlighting the pavilion’s beautiful architecture. One of the premises of the work is to make unnoticeable change visible. Pavilion Garden is the process of creating something beautiful and tangible that is a result of a dance, but can remain after the piece is over.